4 years

Its 4 years since my brother died. My sister and I didnt find out for another day or two, from our uncle sending a condolence email to us. Thats how we found out. And thats my family in a nutshell. And today I feel destroyed. I cant even comiserate with other family members anymore. And I’m still angry that he’s gone and I’m still here. For four years I had the pull/excuse that I couldnt leave my sister without both her elder siblings, and with the extra grief of more family deaths. But now, fuck that. Yeah it would suck, but I dont feel like anyone in the family cares beyond how it would be a fucked up status symbol of “this is how fucked up our family is”. And I know thats all sorts of messed up, not just that thats what I feel but that I would even think that. But I do. Two more (extended) family members have died since then and not much has changed. Other than me pulling even further away from them all.

Yes i’m feeling very negative today. The change in medication is not helping with that. But even without that shit, I am sad and angry and wishing my life was over. It’s been 4 years and I dont feel like I’ve made enough progress. I’m still trapped in my shitty self made prison, still tormenting myself, still fucking everything up, still a worthless piece of shit


I wish i could write something halfway decent. Im too fucked up on medication to think straight. And i honestly dont even know why. Ive had a headache all day, my back hurts from being in bed for days. I cant do anything. Im too dizzy to stand up, too groggy to do anything. Yet im not feeling better, im still horribky depressed and suicidal, im still full of rage amd now am extra angry becausd i am so incapable. And its making my head feel like its being crushed from all sides. This medication is supposed to help. I hate it. I dotn knoe why im tsking it. I must hate myself more.


I’m finally writing with some positivity, this won’t be published for a few days and will be updated before it goes out, so this covers a few days. If you’ve waded through the barrage of rage, feels and self pity, congratulations. And thank you for reading it all. It’s been a mission to complete and put out. I’ve been having panic attacks when I think about the possible repercussions. I’ll keep breathing my way through those and deal with whatever comes up when it comes up. As one should. Spending my time with my mind in the future, or the past, is unhealthy and unhelpful. It leads to panic and meltdowns. Practice my mindfulness, be in the moment, deal with what’s going on right here right now. The rest will fall into place and I can deal with it then, in that moment. Or thats the theory at least. The practice is not so easy, its, well, something that requires constant practice!

A few nights ago it was rough, I couldn’t sleep. Spent the night writing blog posts and shit posting on discord! Made some short bread. Tried to watch the sunrise but clouds got in the way. Good thing I like clouds! Finally drifted off around 8am, watching space news video blogs. At 9am my friend phoned me… YIKES To say they were outside!! WEEEEEEEE My new bubble friend had arrived, with hugs and smiles 🙂 they had travelled 2 hours to get to me, to come give me a hug. As I said in blisters.. Sometimes my friends are the best! 

She brought me a book (to add to the book mountain!) Michelle Obamas Becoming,  YAYYYY in exchange i gave her some tutu pants that I haven’t worn in about 10 years! I’ve been trying to let go of them for years, this way I can theoretically borrow them but they’re going to a new home, and with someone who actually fits into them!! XD

She accompanied me to the post office and chemist, I bought us coffees and we sat outside the coffee shop drinking our fluffy coffees like civilised people lol. Another friend passed by and stopped for a ramble chat. We were there for quite a while so didn’t make it to the park as planned. We did however do a bunch of sorting and cleaning. She announced that she was going to do the washing up! Fucking Bonus!! During which I sorted through one box, put away some clean clothes, put all my (currently unused) gym stuff in my snazzy new gym bag, put away the gardening stuff, reorganised the underbed boxes, tidied the bedding and vacuumed up all the biscuit crumbs….! WOW. I felt so accomplished, I would not have done any of that without her helping me and encouraging me to do some sorting. And now I can move from room to room without tripping over a mass of dangerous obstacles. The stairs and front room are still a death trap but, heh, it’s a vast improvement. And my stressed sleep deprived mind was feeling happier than it had in such a long time. Ihoped I would sleep okay that night,a nd eventually I did, but it was still around 3 am or so before I finally drifted off. Part of me hoped I’d go manic instead and stay up another night, coz it feels good, although it absolutely wrecks my body.

(I’m leaving these sections as-was rather than updating it, was writted a few days ago) I wanted to try and make proper food tonight. I’ve only had shortbread, chocolate, coffee and wine…. Oops. And if I don’t pass out then I can have a ramble chat with a new friend on discord. I wonder how people are feeling about my night long shit-posting on discord… I’ll find out later when I go back on. Though I’m struggling to focus my eyes on what I’m writing so reading is hard right now, even harder than normal. I also don’t want to get sucked back into trawling and not cook any food. I’ll update this before it gets released so obviously I’ll know by then the answers to today’s questions…!

But the big thing is. NOT EVERYTHING IS SHIT! I’ve seen a friendly face up close and spent the day with a friend. The first time I’ve spent more than a few minutes since March. The first time I’ve had deliberate physical contact since March. The first time I’ve had a hug since March, when another friend was trying to calm and comfort me while I was panicking about benefits and self isolation and loss of services access. I’d rather not be having one hug per 3 months, it’s not good for my head. Though it is better than none at all. And hopefully I can revel in that for a few days at least…

Skip forward a couple of days…. I did manage to cook! AND I had a chat with my new friend on discord. That place has been good for me, its the nicest place to be online. Its not always 100% the best and I dont like that certain people show up from time to time. However, overall people are lovely and friendly and I can be weird and rambly and shitpost memes without people getting grumpy. Or bitching about me going to a protest!! I’ve been getting more comfortable there and making friends which is wonderful. I’ve also been able to play more roleplay games, such as dungeons and dragons, which is a really good distraction and it helps my mental state. Having not only the game but the other people to talk to, getting out of my head. AAAAAAND ………. I RAN MY FIRST GAME! *Excite!!* I ran a one-shot of Ragnarock Honey Heist and it was good fun. I’d been toying with the idea and mentioned that I’d like to run something soon when one of our scheduled games fell through so the GM asked if Id like to run mine……! With only 10 mins to prep I did not have the time to panic and overthink it. And it went okay. Once we got started I just made it all up as we went along, all i needed to do was make sure it was going to fit into the things I rolled ahead of the game. I keep meaning to ask for feedback…hang on, gonna go do that…Right, done! 

I also managed to sleep. Eventually. But it did wreck me. Despite that, a couple days ago I made sure I got out of bed and did both my yoga and boxing classes, in full. For the first time in a couple of months. now, its great that I did it and the mega aches I have now are worth it, but damn I am TIRED. I could really have done with more sleep (damn head weasles) but again, i got up and out of bed again this morning. I did stuff, including making some proper food. I went for a walk. I spoke to a friend. I played another game. And now I am wiped out and super hungry. Emotionally I feel horribly fragile, but I’m keeping reminding myself that I did good today, and yesterday, and the day before, mostly. I have self harmed a bit, I havent done the best self care but considering everything I’ve somehow achieved a lot. Including writing and posting several very exposing and potentially explosive blogs, having some moderate panic attacks, and amazingly not losing my shit. Though I do wish I could sleep and feel rested. As always.  But this is not the bitching about shit post! I have actually been doing some reading, mostly comics because I can cope with that better. I’ve gotten through a bunch of the stuff I have stacked up both on comixo and tactile paper one. Some were utter shite! One I’ve been saving for a long time because its the last in a series and I dont want it to be over! 

Go forwards another day…. I really do take a long time to write stuff sometimes! I also had a string of other stuff to get out first so I just keep updating this. I’m still exhausted, as always, and I am even more achey than yesterday. Had a few calls today, the first a lovely happy one from a friend sharing their NRE with me. But the others was both psych focused and while helpful, I think, have somehow left me feeling very raw. I am trying to finish off this happier post while wanting to repeatedly punch the wall. I cant get my head back into the place of being thankful. Instead of ruining all the good from above I’m just going to sign off.


This has been tough, putting out a series of indevidualised very angry posts. Imagine what it was doing to my head trying to fit all of this stuff into one post, trying to make sense of the jumble of madness, rage, exhaustion and depression. No wonder i spent a week writing one post and was still nowhere near any sort of conclusion. As scary as its been to split it up into singular components it did actually allow me to narrow down what i needed to say about each thing. I dont like that I have put out so much rage, but at the same time, I dont like that I have so much rage inside me. So far I’ve not had any bad reactions come to me. There may well be stuff on facebook but as I’m not looking at facebook i dont know about that. I can only assume that people arent paying attention! Maybe everyone is too distracted with their own stuff. One day I’ll go back to the social medias. I’ve had to ban myself from accessing twitter for a while, it was creating too much stress and I was staying up very late obsessively looking at it. Its a good resourse for stuff, but its also a potential cesspit and it is so easy to fall down a rabbit hole. Good, bad, silly, whatever I can lose hours there. And of course right now theres a lot of anger going around and a lot of stupidity and offensive crap making me more angry. For my own sanity I had to take a break. And facebook is an opressive, negative life drain which I avoid at the best of times, now I simply cannot cope with people being down on me. I cannot cope with people on my friends list being racist and wilfully ignorant. I cannot cope with all of this shit. .. I did boxing a couple of days ago and wow did I let out some agression, it was so needed. I really REALLY NEED to be able to get back to actual classes and the gym etc. Just when its safe, which could be a looooong time away.

Almost nobody is wearing masks now (except protesters, and I mean protesters not drunken hooligans) Many dont observe physical distancing. And now that here we are ‘allowed’ to see a limited number of people/a household so many are taking that to mean that its now safe and the corona virus is magically less dangerous. It is not. And those that were already ignoring the guidelines are becoming ever more reckless and they’re out there spreading corona and putting so many at risk. In my walk today I came across the disgusting wreckage of a massive party in the park. Those people are now walking viral banks and all potentially going to pass it on to a lot of others, those who are vulnerable and more likely to die. Its most likely a bunch of youths, invulnerable and impervious to any damage, as according to teenage and early twenties mindsets! But at this time, for so many people to think its okay to have a massive party, well something has gone wrong. Their guardians, teachers (not nessecarily school teachers but those that they learn life lessons from) and peers, the ones that set the examples, the damn media and idiot goverment. All giving off the impressions that things are fine. How are the younger ones supposed to act if they’re being shown irresponsible shit. Still, it pisses me off when a bunch of wankers trash the park. Its clear that some people tried to keep it tidy, theres bin sacks full of stuff, but so many have just dropped their shit all over the place. A park keeper told me someone set a fire too and vandalised stuff….. *sigh* I’m even too tired to be angry now, I’m just sad. The most ironic thing i saw, that made me laugh manically was the solitary mask I saw amongst the trash.

Its all gotten too much for me to deal with. All the rage, the lack of sleep, the pushing and pushing and pushing…..I cant do it any more. I’ve decided to close my website, its just costing me money and I’m in no state to even try working or socialising. Not that I can of course, its too dangerous. Though I technically can see some people at a distance, I think. Its not fucking clear. The rage that was driving me has not burned out but it has burned me out and used up so much of my reserves. I am just about able to do basic things, with occasional bits of creativity or productivity. Then I’m done again, hoping that maybe one day I will be able to switch off and rest, that day never comes.

The doctor is still shit. I hung up on them the last time because they were telling me to tell their reception staff to do their fucking job…..errrm thats not my fucking responsibility. And when I’m straight up telling you that reception are refusing to do what youre saying they should be doing, the response should not be to tell ME to just call reception and get them to do the thing. IVE JUST TOLD YOU THAT THEY REFUSED TO DO IT. How about you tell your staff to do their fucking job and not put the onus onto your patients to get your staff to do their fucking job.….. *RAGE* Same with my gp telling me to keep chasing the psychiatrist, WHILE IM IN THE MIDDLE OF A MH CRISIS,  when she could just give him a call and talk to him/ask him to call me. And not bothering to stay in touch with me, expecting me to keep chasing her through an impossible booking system so that i can then be lectured and pissed around at her pleasure and still not get anywhere near what I was asking for. Its infuriating, rediculous, humiliating, draining and just fucking outragous. I am looking forward to being able to change surgery, I just hope that the one I chose is going to be accepting new clients. I so need a doctor that A) gives a shit B) listens to and includes me in my care C) isnt driven by the fashionable new medical nonsense or steriotyped crap that we have to tolerate from every corner of the NHS. Its always risky to change gps but considering the quality of care I’ve recieved in the last couple of years its worth the risk.

I’m still fucked off that the psych hasnt called me. It feels like he lied to me. And it feels like hes abandoned me, and as you’ve probably figured out by now, I have issues with that. It reinforces the feelings I have making me wonder why I even fucking bother. If everyone is going to lie to me, to let me down, to not keep their word….why do I bother? Why should I bother? If others are going to not give me what they said they would why do I keep torturing myself by hanging around waiting for fucking validation? Why do I even keep going at all? Why do I fucking care? and I know the answers to most of this shit.

I’ve been vascilating between dejected apathy, rage and forced functionality. I can make myself get up, do something, pretend to be functional. But theres no heart behind it, its dead actions by someone whos seperated mind from body. I’m trying to have some sort of routine but its impossible, and people telling me to make a new routine….easier fucking said than done. Occasionally I have moments of being able to connect with myself and others, trying to stop myself from going into total meltdown. But theres no routine, its all about trying to stop the worst, running around trying to catch 100 spinning plates before they all hit the floor and smash into tiny pieces. theres little time or energy for just having a nice day, its really fucking difficult when I’m spending so much effort and time trying to avert disaster. Its making me furious when people say so casually that I simply need to have a routine. Like thats going to fucking fix everyting. My routine was taken away from me, and now you want me to build a whole new life, on my own, without most of the tools that were helping me to manage myself. Fuck off mate. I’m barely keeping it together as it is. If I could rebuild my life during this pandemic I’d have fucking done it months ago. In fact I’d have done many things months ago and would not be the shit for brains fuck up waste of space that I am.

I would go to another protest, I’d like to, it’s taking so long to recover from the last one.  after my 2 weeks alone it seemed that I did not pick up corona, at least not symptomatically. I don’t want the protest momentum to fizzle out. I don’t want it to be like Oh I’ve been on a protest, I’ve donated money, I’ve done my bit and then it fades away….. Because that’s not enough. The media is working hard to try and bury the peaceful protests and then whitewash the results, painting black people as violent thugs and vandals, just look at the trending #riot when in fact its peaceful. Look at the way its being handled and represented and that’s all you need to see as a perfect nutshell of what’s wrong. This is not a one off thing, this is something that has been engrained in every aspect of our lives for centuries. I can’t just sit back and put my feet up. Just shut up and take my meds as it were. Comply. Behave. Respect the system. Well fuck the system because it is awful.

I am tired, so fucking tired. But I cannot, will not give up on the black lives matter movement. I do wish my body would comply. I know i shouldnt be so hard on myself, its not really productive. This is a constant reminder that my body is no longer young or capable of being constantly pushed beyond limits. Its maddening and upsetting, its frustrating and right now is making me feel both guilty (though it shouldnt) and angry at myself for being so useless. After making it to one protest, going back to armchair protesting feels like a step back. Like I’m stepping away from my duties. Of course a lot of this is me taking rage out on myself instead of directing it where it should go and that goes back to childhood trauma, blah blah blah. My body repulsion has been increasing, heading swiftly back to where it used to be, before I did a lot of work to dispell those dangerous and sickening feelings, thoughts and compulsions. Theres a nasty reactive cycle that could lead to some permanent damage from self harm. Because I cant physically go out and protest, I protest against myself, brutalising my own body, treating it with the lack of respect I was taught it deserved. Not the love it actually deserves. This conflict creates a stalemate, so i go from bouts of doing stuff and trying to look after it to doing nothing, or even actually being damaging. These kinds of contratictions are all over my mind, pulling me in opposite directions, making life impossible. Often leaving me immobalised, which is kinda a good thing because it means I dont cut in those moments, but only because that would require i move and do something.

Its all fucked. and I hate it. I’m done pretending I’m okay or even coping. I’m also done with everyone who crosses my boundaries without a second thought. I’m done with this shit. If only I could change it all. I cant. And I’m sad


I don’t think some of you heard me when in a previous post I emplored that we all Listen to people, listen to their words, understand what they’re saying and Do Not Invalidate Them. I’m now going from asking to telling. LISTEN TO PEOPLE. BELIEVE THE PAINFUL THINGS THEY SAY. and if you feel the need to ask questions ASK YOURSELF why you feel the way you do in response to their words. ASK YOURSELF what it is you object to. For example if you’re objecting to protests ask yourself why? There may well be lots of valid concerns. Ask again the reasons behind those. If your concern is corona virus then ASK YOUR GOVERNMENT why they did the things they did? Why they made choises that potentially led to the swift spread of the virus? Why they prioritised the economy over the lives of their citizens? The very people making that money for ‘the economy’. Ask your government why they decided to decentralise storage of vital supplies such as PPE and medication? Ask your government why they feel its now okay to reopen everything? Despite NOTHING HAVING CHANGED with the virus. And ask why your anger is focused towards the people who are being disproportionately affected by the virus? A virus that is being used as yet another way to control them? Now I know that as a general rule preaching doesn’t work, debating doesn’t work. But conversation can work. Having said that there are people in my friends list who shall remain no longer, I just don’t have the time or spoons for some of the bullshit people are spewing. May they drown in their vile juices.

I know I sound extreme. This is nothing compare to the choice words that have been flowing through my mind for weeks. Normally I would be less agressive and try to just make my point and not be antagonistic. But as I mentioned in Blisters… maybe sometimes I need to vent to get my point across. It risks getting everyones back up, risks getting defensive and closed down reactions, rather than measured responses. It also risks the thing of people saying “I get what you’re saying but do you have to be so rude/agressive/sweary about it” which gets rolled out so often. Particularly against women, LGBT+ and POC. And if you’re a combination of any of those…. oh boy! But why do you think people are shouting so much? Because they’re not being listen to.

Another thing that gets rolled out is the I get what you’re saying but do you have to do that now?… Which I mention previously was one of the responses to me having gone to a protest. You do realise that that question is just another way of saying I dont want to listen? And I would be happy to have conversations with people about why I went, and how I dont feel its any more dangerous in terms of corona than getting on public transport or going shopping. But when you come at me saying that you think that I am being massively irresponsible for standing up for basic human rights. When you come at me saying that I should be doing things differently, but not actually offering a viable alternative, I know that you’re not interested in what I have to say. When you’re response to me saying I believe in equality, fairness and decency is to say that my actions are going to kill people, yet you have no evidence to prove that AND my actions are nowhere near as bad or irrisponsible as many many people out there. I know that you’re acting out something else that you’re carrying and not responding to MY ACTIONS. Yet you’re offloading that onto me. And I’m tired of being polite and reasonable and getting a pat on the head and a “there there” response. If you’re not angry about whats going on then youre not paying attention. If youre angry but at me and those protesting then youre misguided. Like I said I would be pleased to talk to people about stuff, but not when they’re coming into it attacking me and acusing me of shit.

My anger at friends is not just around their reactions to protests. Its combined with my frustration at the way I have been pushed aside during corona stuff. Being disabled, with PTSD and mental health problems, queer, gender nonconforming, having a lot of preexisting health issues and living alone, I have been low down on the governments priorities. And I understand that EVERYONE is being affected, and that most of us are struggling, and that people are dealing with all sorts of stresses. Patience has become a precious commodity, as has time and spoons in ways that most of us never considered becomming fact. And I’m aware that my stresses are enhancing my feelings and reactions towards others. I’m also aware that I’m not being as polite and measured as I typically would be, and people dont react well to that. And I understand that its unfair of me to expect more of people than they can give, or to be upset when they cant give what I want. But at the same time, I have every right to be upset and angry. Whether its true or not it really feels like nobody is thinking about what its been like to forcably be alone, without physical contact, without a smiling face (or any familiar friendly face) in the same space, with nearly all of my support taken away, with less and less people reaching out to me, many people have not done so at all. For four and a half months. I know I’ve brought some of this onto myself, with my mental health making me withdrawn. But fuck have I befriended a load of people who dont think beyond their tiny boxes. I surrounded myself wtih a lot of people who dont do emotions or chats, and that was comfortable for me because I could hide myself and not have to talk about things. But it fucking sucks when I need someone to talk to, and when I’m pushing myself out of my comfort zone and trying to be a better communicator.

I’m failing at that a lot, for many reasons. I perhaps childishly, resent that I have to constantly reach out to others if I want to talk to them, and it makes me stop reaching out at all, to anyone. The lockdown and removal of so much has severely impacted me and my ability to do anything, or cope with anything. And I expect its the same for all my friends. So I understand whats going on. I also dont, the part of me that is pure immature emotion does not, cannot see beyond its own needs, and is very hurt and angry. That anger is definitely feeding into EVERYTHING and actually impairing my ability to function much of the time. And then when I add the fall-out from counselling on top of that, it makes even basic stuff impossible. Without the things that I used to use to help me manage, its hard to create and establish new routines and management things whilst having a meltdown. Everything is just too much most of the time. Its taken nearly 3 weeks to recover from the protest, and just look at how much rage has resulted from that couple of weeks, so many blisters. The rage that was always inside me is unlocked and not going away. Its influincing and exagurating everything I do, see, touch, hear etc. It is making me more shouty, blunter, less ‘diplomatic’….less compliant, seemingly ruder or less caring. That bits not true, I fucking care. I also happen to be doing things differently. I’m venting. I’m breaking the rules. At the same time I’m doing things the same, I’m withdrawn, I’m silencing myself, I’m assuming that the world hates me, I’m thinking the worst of myself. And I’m pissing people off by being outspoken. I expect I’ll lose a few friends by the end of this series of angry rants. People upset, maybe not by what I’ve said but by how I’ve said it. And some who are just plain racist. When I can cope with going back onto facebook I’ll be unfriending some people. Maybe some of them will have already unfriended me, saving me the bother!

So with the friend cull, and the potential family cull…seems like life is going to be quieter. PAH, things aint getting quieter. But they are changing. And I hope they keep changing until the world in unrecognisable. Its way past time.


Family has been a theme throughout all of my life, but I am so done. If I dont feel any better in the next few months im going to end up cutting out my entire family. Its going to be awkward yes, particularly as id like to get the IOU birthday pressie and the only way to do that is by attempting to contact my uncle. This is a painful thought, how do I go about it? How do I deal with people who are being weird, difficult or who may not want to even talk to me at all? How do I have yet another difficult conversation, one that I shouldnt really need to have. This is the same uncle that I’m angry at, the one who let me down, again. The one who left me suicidal and alone. My couseller, when discussing this blog/now series of blogs, asked me what I would want to say to him. I know that what I want to say is not what I would actually say. I was well trained to be ‘diplomatic’, to save my skin and avoid a beating. I was well trained to still crave and need the other persons approval at the end of the day. With her, the couple of time I got the nerve up to say I was upset I ENDED UP APOLOGISING TO HER because I had dared to say something, i had upset her. My feeling were irrelivant, repulsive to her, disregarded, torn up and shat on. Yet I still needed her to ‘like’ me afterwards…until I didnt! The day I refused to comply was one of the greatest and though I spent the next week in fear of her I had set a boundary and it was magnificent.

But the training goes deep, and while I may think all the things, I say whats needed, in as non offensive way as possible. That way nobodies happy. But it does tend to be more productive than screaming what I’m thinking at somebody, and definitely more productive than saying nothing. Which is the tradition for our family. Bottle it up, never speak up, dont rock the boat, sweep it under the rug, etc. Then rant and bitch about someone behind their back when you’re sure they cant hear you. For years I had to listen to her complaining about her mother and brothers and colleagues and boyfriends, but she didnt go and just talk to them. It infuriated me, and taught me that I dont want to be that way. Sadly I have a lot of ingrained behaviours to untrain. Because of this, if trying to deal with a difficult situation I typically fall to the diplomatic approach, often leaving me somehwat frustrated or disappointed. It also allows other people to take me ‘less seriously’ brushing me off, choosing to not see the anger in my eyes or hear the hurt in my voice, letting them not take responsibility for their part in things. Which is what the childhood training was all about. Now I have made progress in dealing with conflict, A LOT OF PROGRESS, but I still get so stressed that I feel like I have several people sat on my chest, my teeth break from clenching jaws, migraines, stiff musles, nausea, blurred vision, tinitus, an on…. but I do it, which I didnt before. And I try to do the best for me, which I didnt before. That doesnt mean screaming at them and venting, offloading and fucking off. I dont believe thats healthy or productive.

However, maybe sometimes I should vent, maybe sometimes I should offload and let them see what their behaviour is doing to me? So when it comes to dealing with my uncle… I know I wont vent, I know I’ll end up feeling frustrated for the sake of not hurting his feelings. Even though in all fairness, he’s earned it. If I did say whats in my head it would be. “You let me down. You abandoned me. You left me behind to die, alone. You. Left. Me. Just like you did when I was a child and you came by and picked up my siblings and took them to visit grandad, but you left me behind. Because of things she said, because she wanted to hurt him and control me, because she claimed she was trying to keep my safe from him. But that wasnt true, IT WAS NEVER ABOUT KEEPING ME SAFE, and you from everything I saw Said NOTHING, did NOTHING to protest. You went along with it AND YOU LEFT ME BEHIND. And you’ve done so again and again my entire life. and then when I was in respite, and it was christmas, and I had nobody to keep me safe when I came out because YOU LEFT ME BEHIND and decided to go away WITHOUT ME. Just Like When I Was A Child. You left me, with a monster, you fucking cowardly selfish….Urgh, so angry I cant even fucking word … ” There, thats what I’d say. And maybe by some random chance of him giving a shit he’ll read this, and then he’ll know. And maybe he’ll be angry at me for hurting his feelings, and maybe he’ll be annoyed that I didnt say anything before. And maybe he’ll choose not to do anything about what I’ve said here and wait for me to come say it to his face….. I’ll probably never know.  Thats the nub of it I think, along with all the awful family traditions of poor communication, distraction by overworking/drinking/drugs, non communication, assumptions, lies and just utterly rediculous nonsense. And yeah I said I was done with it, and I’m stressing because i have to deal with someone who I feel that about if I want to finally be abe to pick up the painting I was gifted years ago. Does that painting mean so much to me that I would face the music? Yes. Do my family fuck me off so much that I would walk away? Yes. For now at least. None of them have tried very hard to build something with me. Some have tried to work on their own problems, which is great. But I am honest to fuck so sick of being the adult in a sea of children. And I risk being ostracised and outcast for being a rude arsehold by posting this. For breaking the rules and not doing things their way. I risk them all hating me, wispering about me, laughing about me. And that makes me very VERY uncomfortable. Not as uncomfortable as being sat here at 4am unable to sleep because I am very fucking stressed at these thoughts in my head. And that has to stop, so I will make it stop. One way or another.


After so much impotent rage at so many things, days upon days of being completely isolated save for a little bit of text chat, if that. Of being too tired to do anything, too afraid to leave the house at all. Occasionally going onto twitter and getting wound up, being filled with so much anger that i dont sleep making the next day harder. One day i went online to see that there was a protest in action at that moment. Id been offline for a couple of days (recovering from previous visits to the twitterverse) so I hadn’t known about it. But i looked up for more and found a list of upcoming ones round here. Id not been on a protest in nearly 20 years, growing anxieties and worsening physical issues had stopped me attending any. Which was a headfuck for someone who grew up going to protests, i dont even remember my first one i was so young, though I have been told about it, and seen news footage too. I’ll give mother that one, she did good in teaching us to stand up and be counted even if she couldnt do so herself. (Just like she told us not to be homophobic or rascist even though she was both those things, of course she didnt think that but this post is not me bitching about her for a change!) Though like i said Id been unable to attend any marches in a long time, existing anxiety being sent into overdrive when so called anarchists started turning peaceful protests into riots, just because, and police started kettling at every protest. Escalating peaceful actions into fear and anger then using that as an excuse to attack protesters. Plus my paranoia did not like that they were recording everyone who attends and keeping that information “for their records”. There is so much frustration and anxiety around protests that concerns for my own safety and privacy overwhelmed any urge to join one. Plus being unable to walk much discounted me from marches. For nearly 2 decades I have been mentally and physically silencing myself, feeling guilty for not being there and being part of the movement, for not standing up and being counted. And now with corona and being uncomfortable with leaving the house even to go to the park a lot of the time, ive been just not going outside. But seeing that BLM protest made me want to be there, made me want to stand up and be counted. Ive been struggling with my therapy sessions (see Blisters.) which led to me retreating even more, not getting out of bed for a couple of days after each session, on the day of the next scheduled protest i didnt wake up until the time it started. When I checked on it later, trying to get an idea of numbers i saw the #riots so i checked… Not, Even, A, Hint. It was the police roughing up a few protesters and 3 twats throwing what looked like water bottles some distance from any visable police officer. Once again the press was showing its true motivations with such utterly lazy and despicable journalism. That sealed it, I WAS GOING ON THE NEXT ONE. No amount of scaremongering would stop me, I would set alarms to make sure i got up. I would rest as much as I could. I would ensure I had my supports, medication, food, water, spare masks etc….just to make sure I was in the best possible state I could manage.  I had 2 days to prepare and panic about all the anxieties and wow was i anxious but the black lives matter protests are more important than my stupid life. And thats it in a nutshell. In those couple of days i put out messages and contacted people who i thought would be interested, if not already planning to attend. It would be nice to have a friend, to see someone, anyone, that I know, someone to talk to and lean on if needed. One person, let me say that again… ONE PERSON responded. Not only was there an overwhelming lack of care that i was going to be going from months spent solitary to a massive protest, me, the person who cant even go to the park when its busy. Me, the ambulatory mass of anxiety and panic attacks, was planning on voluntarily goung to a protest. Alone at this rate. Even without corona thats something that ive not been able to do for sooooo long. Disappointed in the deafening lack of enthusiasm for the protest, i was definitely going to be attending without emotional or physical support. Except for the person who offered text support and checked in with me a couple of times on the day (YAYYYY and thank you) And later another who lives in a different city checked in on me thinking i’d be home by that point. I know I slag people off a lot but sometimes my friends are the best. But, I was saddenened by so many people not doing anything.

Anyway, despite many things trying to stop me, despite nearly throwing up several times, despite pain and nerves, I made it there. Walking past the mounted police, which felt unnessescary, and a collection of sour faced metropolitan officers. There was actually a fairly small number visible at the site. They were all in their vans waiting around the corner, I know because I walked past them too. There were a lot of other people arriving, a lot, forcing the nerves out of my mind i kept moving forward. The place was packed when i arrived, and i nervously walked deeper in. I wanted to read the signs and get pictures. I couldn’t hear what was being spoken but a massive cheer went up and it sent shivers through me, in a good way, and a samba band was playing. I LOVE SAMBA, it made me a little sad because i was about to join a samba band then lockdown happened. But, it made me overall so much happier, it instantly relaxed me and calmed my nerves. That and the cheers washed away my fears and suddenly i was smiling behind my mask. I had made it!! And so many other people had come too, so many were there being counted by the helecopters filming us, and i was a part of it. Finally I had broken nearly 20 years of fear and anxiety. Instead of standing at the edge i wanted to get closer to the band and to see as many of the signs as possible. Walking carefully between people i felt tears welling up, i felt weirdly proud of all the people who had made it out, risking so much to have their voices counted. And that it was at least the 3rd protest here and there was no sign of things fizzling out. Long story short, after a while warching the people circling the band appeared close by to me and started to march. We walked and walked and walked, people chanted and sang and danced. Mostly at least trying to keep some physical distance and nearly all wearing masks, unlike nearly every other time ive left the house all this year. And, unsurprisingly, I hurt, so much. But the band kept me going. I needed to pull over and rest but when i thought about doung so realising that i would be there alone surrounded by hundereds if not thousands of people and would be without the band, without the music thay was keeping me calm. Panic rising I gave up on that idea, following the words of the infamous Dory… Just Keep Swimming. It felt like a “proper” protest, blocking roads, diverting traffic, onlookers joining in. Eventually the band stopped and I continued for a while, until i saw somewhere out of the way I could pull over and rest. Having been fairly near the front i decided to time how long it took the rest of the people to pass, to get a rough feeling of numbers. Over 35minutes! Not including the thinned out peoples at the end or those ahead of me. Unfortunately it took another couple of hours to get out of there and home but i didnt mind so much, i had my dalek and music and though i had a book i was too spent to read. I remembered to take some painkillers and just waited patiently, I had prepared well so I only had to stay calm and remeber what had just been achieved. I did laugh when Rage Against the Machine started playing on my randomised music!

There was a fight on the bus home later, the only violence i witnessed, but again, too spent to care. Eventually getting home, making sure i ate and going to bed. Exhaustion meant i slept okay for a nice change and id made sure i could rest for a couple of days having food accessible and downing plenty of painkillers. I experienced further disappointment when afterwards I got people complaining that the protest was irresponsible and going to cause a second wave in corona infections, I was so tired and proud and then this. I could do an entire post on how that’s such bullshit. About how it ties into the racist rhetoric that people are out there protesting. When primarily white middle class and rich people are blatantly breaking the rules and openly, VERY OPENLY getting away with it. When more black people are being penalised for lockdown violations, when they’re disproportionately going to be exposed to and die from corona virus but they dont have the choice to work from home because they’re doing all the jobs that middle class white people dont have to, like I said I could do a whole other post on this it goes so deep and is so pervasive. And, again, is why people are protesting. I was told that nows not the time, well that’s the same thing that is said time and again. Nows not the time. Now is not a good time. Because its never a good time, and those being abused are told that their needs are less important than xyz issues, that we’ll deal with it later after we’ve fixed ‘this’ issue and it gets said again and again until people run out of steam and resources, until it just “goes away”. It’s the language of abusers and fascists, it’s the language of those who don’t want to face their own complicity in the painful truth, its the language of people who dont want to think about how theyve gained from their privilege, those that have the privilege of not being angry, or because speaking out might risk their comfortable position. Its the language of those that just want things to remain the same, and not deal with difficult stuff that doesnt directly affect their everyday life. Hoping that it’ll get sorted out by someone else or simply fade away and sort itself out. We’ll it’s been several hundred years and the endemic racist system is still going strong. NOW IS THE TIME. And I am so angry and so disappointed in the complacency of people around me.

Oh and if I do come down with covid19 it is soooooo much more likely that I picked it up during a trip to sainsburys the day before where it was very busy, nobody was enforcing distancing, hardly anyone was voluntarily observing it and ONLY ONE OTHER PERSON WAS WEARING A MASK. If I got it anywhere its probably there, at sainsburys. Because at the march I saw more people with face coverings than at any other time this whole year, I know I’ve said that already but it bears repeating. Yes they got closer than they should but there was nobody leaning across my face, unlike in sainsbury. There was nobody trying to touch me to get my attention, unlike in sainsbury. So to see those comments on my Facebook, while my exhausted, bruised and blistered body was recoving from having done something that was a MASSIVE personal achievement… Im still not calmed down about it and it’s been nearly 3 weeks (I think, again, tired).

And yes I am blowing my own trumpet saying look how great I am for overcoming my personal troubles to go protest. Aren’t I fucking brilliant. Except I’m not. I am nothing. My life is nothing. My troubles are nothing against experiences of poc particularly black people. That’s my brief commentary on my one protest and the reason for it. Going back to those negative comments, it was extra insulting because those people know me and know that i am taking corona VERY seriously yet they jumped on to accuse me of creating a second spike, to accuse me of killing more people. I am being responsible and keeping myself isolated for 2 weeks, just in case. Which is rather laughable because I wasn’t likely to see anyone anyway. And if you’re getting butt-hurt about me saying that, ask yourself when exactly you were planning on meeting up with me…? As for me killing thousands more, how about you turn that hate towards all of the complacent wankers that are speading it, including our government that is more concerned with lining its own pockets than protecting us. Who are setting terrible examples and getting away with it. Or the people doing the fucking conga on VE day….those people were literally holding each other. Or the morons that A)think its okay to go to a farmers market when theres a deadly virus rampaging the world B)think its okay to hold a farmers market when theres a deadly virus rampaging the world. Or maybe all those middle class people driving off to their second homes in the countryside on the long weekend, when EVERYONE had been asked to stay home. yet they think that doesnt apply to them and they go off taking whatever germs they have with them. Or the leaders of our country just doing whatever they want, driving all over the place, while knowingly infected….. Yet people think its okay to blame the Black Lives Matter protesters for all the things other people have done. It hurts to see my friends saying those things.

And for those of you who cant go protest, i get it, i really do! Please dont feel bad, please dont beat yourself up with guilt or shame. There is no shame in how your body works, or doesnt, in whatever quirks, conditions and foibles it has. YOU ARE VALID! I got lucky in it being a day that i could walk and stand, that i could physically get up, get dressed, take meds, leave the house etc. I had prepared as much as i could, even then there was no guarantee and as much as i say not to be hard on yourself I know i would have been on myself had i not be able to make it out. I risked corona to go protest, i might end up dead because I went outside, though like i said picking up food in sainsbury supermarket the day before is much more likely to be a speading ground. I certainly wont be risking going into a supermarket again that isnt taking corona seriously. Also, its been over two weeks and I’m not sick yet….probably not gonna die just yet.


Its been a journey of a week, or two weeks, too tired. Ive been too exhausted, in pain, angry but mostly too depressed to write, though in my head theres been several posts drafted. As soon as it becomes viable to write using brain power alone im investing in that shit. I had been drafting a post for over a week, it was getting loooooong and complex and making my head hurt. But I was working on it, bit by bit. When I was talking to my couseller they asked why I wasnt posting things as seperate posts, I said because thats how it is in my head, its all a jumble in there so I’m just trying to put out whats in my head. They then asked again and I had to admit that it was in part because if I seperate the posts, seperate the issues, then I cant hide things behind other issues. And if someone has a problem neither I nor they can disguise their anger behind something else I mention. So if for example someone doesnt like something I say about family, and that post is on its own, not surrounded by several other issues, then its going to be clear that thats why they’re annoyed at me. And thats difficult. As much as I do use this blog to help find my voice its nervewracking, I could get a bad reaction and then have to deal with that. And I have had that happen, recently a bunch of people reacted negatively to something else I posted not via this blog, I’ll get to that in another post. So yeah, I’m going to seperate out the different points I’ve been trying to write on, though they’ll all be connected as things that have been plaguing me for a couple of weeks concurrently. Instead of one looooooong disjointed piece you’re going to get a bunch of potentially quite short pieces. I hope that once I post the first one I am able to keep momentum and get them all out close together. There may be some slight oddness in the words or phrasing, while I am seperating things out and updating them I dont want to completely rewrite them all. They’re all difficult, for different reasons and I’m anxious about potential reactions. But…..this is My voice.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned my new counselling sessions previously, honestly my mind is so frazzled and useless at the moment that its hard to remember. I’d had a disappointing experience early on and then told them the next session that they need to push me, make enquiries. Not just sit there in silence waiting for me to talk. That by them deciding that I needed to sit in silence was denying me my agency and my right to say what I feel I need. We’ll they listened to me and the next session they pushed. I didn’t sleep that night. I felt sick and could barely get the words out. About things that feel so small and insignificant but that clearly left deep scars. We touched on the same stuff the next week and I actually couldn’t verbalise it. I had to write stuff down to show them. Which itself is progress, having the words accessible in my mind, and being able to write and share them, even if I cant yet verbalise. Just 2 words, Help Me. Allowing myself to have a voice even though I literally had no voice to say it. They made the connection between that stuff where I’ve been silenced all my life and me going to a protest, finding my voice and being heard. And yes, me going was personally very much about having my voice heard and not being silenced any more. Because the last couple of sessions have been difficult, leaving me a wreck I’m now getting anxious about sessions earlier each week, my next one is still 2 days away and I’m already nervous, I barely slept last night, I’m wound up, very short tempered and miserable. It doesn’t help that both of the phone chats I arranged for post session support fell through. Left me feeling totally alone and unable to reach out to anyone else, which of course exacerbated the loneliness. And rage. I was able to just chat nonsense on discord the next day, I’d forgotten I had a game booked, that didn’t get cancelled. It took a little while but I did eventually open up a bit. Though it’s not necessarily a place I feel like I can have a full rant. If I remember correctly the counselling is 12 sessions, I’m so messy I can’t remember how many I’ve had 3 or 4 I think, could be 5 though. I want it to be over. But in many ways it’s just the start. I’m only now opening up about the sexual abuse and rapes, about a lot of the gender politics and policing. Things I couldn’t stomach verbalising before but now can’t get out of my conscious mind. It’s been a long time since Egypt and I’m finally able to start looking through the photos, skipping a whole section of them, it still makes me furious and upset but actually looking at them at all is progress. Maybe one day I will be able to share them. I expect I need more therapy first though. Fuck, I’ve spent over half my life going from one type of therapy to another and I’m still a fucking mess. No wonder I’m tired. No wonder I don’t want to do this anymore.

Jump forward another 6 days, I’ve had another session and it was a mess. Its taken this long to get myself together enough to tackle dealing with these posts as mentioned above. I am splitting the posts, and starting with this one. I am HATING the couselling, I am soooooo alone. I have someone whos been text chatting with me the whole time and its been a blessing, they even offered to video chat with me if i wanted….they dont do phone calls! I didnt want to make them uncomfortable, I’m also uncomfortable with people offering me the very thing I want or need so I said no. But i like that they offered. Because the friendly support I had tried to arrange fell through I did not feel able to reach out to anyone else. It in part confirms my worthlessness. It in part drains me of the spoons or motivation to keep pushing. Driving me deeper into depression, pulling me further away from friends. And people dont like it when I say nobody would notice if I disappeared/died….its true, it would take fucking ages for anyone to realise. And while its not fair to expect other poeple to keep contact with me. Its also not fair to put all the responsibility onto me. People dont stay in touch, then post something onto facebook telling me to get in touch with them. They could use that energy to contact me directly! I’m no fucking saint in this respect, I try to stay in touch with people, this is very dependent on my head being clear and capable, otherwise I can only maintain messages with people who are already sending stuff to me. Typically others with their own mental health issues and irratic sleep patterns, such as my hillbilly boyfriend! He’s neither of those things really but is a friend who’s been around while I went through being newly sober and the following 10 years of madness. I think these people staying in touch have helped, even if I’ve not been actually talking to people (until this morning) though I am definitely struggling. A lot. I’m self harming after manging to put it off for a while. I have given up trying to get ahold of the psychiatrist, though people keep telling me to persist. I resent that its up to me to keep pushing pushing pushing…. it should not be this way. I am going to finish my counselling sessions but I am not going any more therapy until it can be face to face, and I can access at least some of the things that help me to process and manage my emotions. Because right now all I am doing is dragging up deeply buried shit and then sitting in it. The house is worse than its been for a couple of years, my mental health is the worst its been for some time, though the progress made previously hasnt been a complete waste of time in that respect. I’m able to manage things a bit, though that generally involves isolating, overeating, self harming and medicating. Not leaving the house because I am despirate for the sweet release of oblivion.

What family?

Ive been mourning the loss of the only remaining member of my family who until recently could do no wrong. I know thats an impossible position to put another person in, its unfair and not realistic. Its the kind of pov that leads to mistakes and endless bad decisions, like relentlessly supporting someone whos obviously an evil piece of shit or who clearly did the crime and is denying it. Those things are not relevant here (I hope!) I’m just giving examples. Ive seen it happen so many times, where people will defend someone to the ends of the earth because they dont/wont see the nastier bits. But even when it happens with “good” people, seeing them as infallible, as can do no wrong… its putting a lot onto them to never fuck up, to not make mistakes, to never have their own bad habits. And thats a lot of pressure for someone to live up to.

People who have known me for a long time may remember that there were two people in my family that i loved unconditionally. My paternal grandmother, deceased, and my sister. Everyone else fell into either I hate them or its complicated. Which these days i see as a more reaslistic version of all relationships, they’re complicated. Back then, when things were more black and white, yes or no, on or off. When there weren’t many shades of grey that i could see when it came to people and interpersonal relationships. Before i could begin to understand the complexity of human behaviour and emotion. Before i was able to process that you could BOTH love someone and hate their behaviour, and that you could BOTH care deeply for someone and reject their actions if they were hurting you (or themselves or anyone else) I had all those complicated feelings but I couldnt process them, so things became more binary in an attempt to manage what i couldn’t fully understand. After many, many, years of therapy, self reflection, experience and maturation. I do have a way better understanding of those things, and my emotions around such stuff, even if I’m not able to fully manage them. And while it’s inevitably allowed me to grow and change my behaviours, notably those most destructive and violent ones. It’s put me in a frustrating place of bring able to (eventually) understand the logistics of what’s happening but still being tasked with the burden of emotional reaction. Which often makes me more frustrated or upset. Often it was easier when I didn’t understand. When things were simply one thing, or they weren’t. I just have to remember how insanely painful and dangerous that was back then to be able to attempt an uncomfortable acquiescence with that understanding now. It does generally stop, or at least reduce, me acting in reaction to issues. Reducing perpetuation of nonsense, stopping escalation and/or extreme behaviour on my part, because I’ve already made up my simple binary mind and being perched atop an emotional volcano I’d be off, exploding all over the place.

But I’m kinda digressing. It’s good that I’ve done the work to process the background to what caused those eruptions. It means that I am less likely to lash out, less likely to hurt myself or someone else. The thing I’m struggling with now, aside from the feelings of loss and anger, is the frustration of curiosity. I like knowing the how’s and why’s, the science of stuff. Understanding helps me to emotionally process. So when I don’t understand why it makes me kinda crazy. I can become consumed with needing to know why. And it’s nuts. And fucking annoying. One plus for you lot is that I am better controlled and spend less time and energy shouting But Whyyyyyy?? And it means that I am less likely to pester (harass) someone for explanations, or more likely to sulk in silence expecting them to explain but not doing anything about it, winding myself up and finally the volcano erupts and I fuck everything up. Now I am more likely/able to step back and wait. Which I hope it helps the other person to deal with their shit in peace without me stressing them out. I used to get so stressed and angry with my brother for doing the pestering unthinking thing, it did help me to realise how much of a strain it is to put so much pressure onto someone else. The strain of having to fulfil somebody else’s expectations. We grew up with that from mother and it fucked me up, getting it from him too triggered a mass of rage and hurt. The difference between us is that I was able/willing to see what was happening and start to notice those things in me and then do something proactive about it. (I believe he could see it at times but lacked the skills or will to deal with it)

I used to say, a long long time ago, when I first started ‘proper’ therapy that I was doing it to prove a point and demonstrate by example to my entire family that its possible to do. Possible to try. Possible to not be an arsehole. Possible to stop the chain of abuse. Possible to take responsibility, and show that it won’t kill you to do so. Lofty self aggrandizing I know but there is some humility in there. I genuinely wanted them to see that we could be better. And I hoped that by doing it myself they might at least think about it for themselves. Maybe it worked. These days I don’t care about being seen as the shining example. I’ve learned enough to know that I’m far from being that. But I do know that I am responsible for not putting pressure onto others to be perfect, to fit into whatever expectations I have of them.

No matter how much I am hurting because of their behaviour. Them not fulfilling my idea of them is not reason to lash out. Nothing much is good reason to lash out (there are exceptions) or to lay on the emotional blackmail etc. So I have to deal with this separate from them. Whatever they’re dealing with is their business and they’ve chosen to do so without me. It hurts. That hurt is mine to hold and process.

I began writing this some time ago, was never sure I’d post it. Sometimes things just need to be written and that’s enough. Sometimes things need to be written but can’t be shared, for numerous reasons. Since “penning” the above stuff a family member has died. And I’m mourning them as well as the loss of siblingship. And am preemptively mourning the potential separation of all family. Because maybe I really would be better off just fucking walking away and never bothering again. Yes they’ll whisper about me and think whatever fucking bullshit they want. And yes they may forever haunt me in my dreams. But I’m so done with them being weird fucked up messes that consistently let me down, don’t tell me what’s going on, and whisper whatever bullshit they’re already whispering anyway.

I am in no place emotionally or spirituality to deal with it anymore. And now that it’s been made expressly clear that I’m not invited to my grandmother’s cremation, even though I never asked to go, even though all I asked for was a date by which I could send a farewell letter. My uncle had to make it clear that the cremation was a them thing only. Wow. Like I didn’t even know I was asking for a kick in the head but apparently I need to be more careful about SHOWING ANY FUCKING SIGNS OF AFFECTION EVER. I’m clearly not dealing with this well. I’m suicidal and not self caring. I’m barely sleeping and once again withdrawing into myself. Not leaving the house, not calling people. Proving that I really am actually alone.

It must be hurtful for my friends when I say that. That’s how I feel though. I’ve not seen a friendly face in so very long. I’ve not had a hug since March and that was breaking the 2 meter distancing rule. Since then things have continued to spiral downwards, they just keep getting worse. I’m losing my shit, and my family, all alone over here on my misery island. And I’m being just as shit as them by not talking. At least I’m not congratulating myself for being the most attentive/caring/self-sacrificing best child bullshit that I expect is going on with certain people. But there I go again, imposing my expectations. I’ll just be over here alone with my rage and pain.