No mummy, please

CW/ Abuse

Ive been quiet when I should have been talking, and for that I apologise to myself. Ive been quiet when I should gave been talking for fear of reprisals, and I have an abusive mother to thank for that. I have been quiet when i should have been talking, and thats not right.

The last one and a half weeks I’ve been deep in an overwhelming sea of bad memories. Fearful of speaking openly about what’s been happening to me because I wanted it to stop. But when I first asked for it to stop it got worse, so much worse.

And the person involved is going to see this and possibly get angry at me even though ive not and will not name them. Because how dare I even suggest that they’ve done anything wrong at all, certainly thats how its felt of late. I asked for my needs to be met at the same time as showing that I cared about theirs, I was met with a rejection of my feelings and an accusation of something ive not wanted to unwrap. Whatever the accusation was i dont want to understand, it was not my feelings it was theirs and they were trying to force them onto me. I asked to have my boundaries respected, it was implied that I was being outrageously offensive and then I was compared to their family. Again their feelings coming out and taking over. It all began because they sent me some screenshots of someone being horrible to them, no context or anything. And without explanation I had to work out for myself who it was they were interacting with, my best guess…their mother. WOAH. Who in their right might would send me unannounced and unprepared a stack of screenshots of their mother being nasty to them? Who in their right mind would unload of all things familial abuse onto me? When have I ever expressed the ability to manage other people’s needs in that way? So their clearly not in their right mind because otherwise they would never have done that, right? Probably. Theyre obviously struggling, we’ve all seen that. They Are having a rough time, and things seem to be getting worse. Its been horrid to watch and horrid to feel helpless in the situation. So, when I see those screenshots sent without warning I am triggered, im back at home, im a child again and I am in a nightmare. I cant focus, my breathing catches, my heart goes crazy and I cant tell you where my mind went, somewhere deeply unpleasant. I cant remember the rest of that day all I know is i shut down consiously and went immediately into hiding. I cant say what happened that night, I just know that it was horrible. Full of panic, cold sweats and nightmares. The next day I still felt awful, I had plans to go to a day long yoga retreat which from experience I knew would be a safe space and hopefully good for me. I knew from experience that I should not be alone in that state. And I knew that I could leave the yoga thing any time I wanted so if the urge to get out became overwhelming I could leave without guilt. I also knew I could get there on auto pilot with little to no risk of me wandering off and ending up some place random. I must have packed my bag the day before as everything was ready to go, so off I went. After the initial settle in and during the first break of the day I was calm enough to figure out that it was that message that had triggered some awful stuff in me, and that I needed to affirm a boundary. I shakily wrote a message saying that I care about them and their situation and asking them to not do that again, as familial abuse is a massive trigger for me. And as much as I’d like to be able to help them, in this particular situation I couldn’t and i was sorry. The response broke my heart and made me so angry. I had expected them to recognise what had happened but they didnt, I thought they would care enough about me to see what i had said and realise that I was not in a good way as a result of the random message they’d sent me. Maybe thats selfish? I think no more selfish than them sending me those awful screen shots without checking first that it was going to be okay to do so. Maybe its selfish to say that I have some things that I can’t handle. No more selfish than them assuming that I can handle it. But I know i have a right to set my own boundaries and I know its okay to say when something is not okay. I was in a really bad place, and they had helped put me there. I was not being accusitory, in fact I went out of my way to make it clear that I was just setting a boundary while saying expressly that I cared about their situation. Even though I was hurting so much that i could easily have just thrown mud, I could have shouted, I could have called names i could have made it very clear just how much pain they had caused me by hurting them back. But, Im not that person and its obvious to me that they are already struggling, they needed compassion and understanding. Needed someone to be kind to them, like I needed someone to be kind to me. Like I thought they would be kind to me.

They apparently interpreted my request as a rejection of their needs, which was the opposite of what I was expressing. And my despiration to explain that wasnt what I was doing appeared to play into whatever was going on for them, making them attack me more, upsetting me even more than i already had been after gathering the courage and spoons to speak up in the first place. Instead of understanding or care my feelings were rejected and ignored. My words twisted into something else. I was compared to their family, a family they dont like, but with no explanation as to what they actually meant. And it was implied that I know nothing about anything, that i have no idea what its like to have a shitty family and that i was denying them the space to talk about their issues….. Sometimes I wish i had snapped at them, sometimes i wish i had given in to the the urge to tell them how much of a dick they were being, but like i said thats not me and its not what they needed. True, maybe treating them like shit would have got their attention but it wouldn’t have been productive. Unless the result I wanted was destruction. I was literally in a place where i was showing myself compassion, and extending that by messaging someone who’s action had hurt me, letting them know that had happened. Up until that point they were unaware of what had happened resulting from their message, and they wouldnt know until i said something. So it made sense to extend that compassion to them too, not that I wouldnt have anyway i was just very much in that head space, keeping me grounded. Their responses felt like a deliberate provocation into a fight, and due to the full day of trauma Id experienced I could so easily have been drawn into that. My surroundings kept me focused on not doing that. But they didnt stop the stress from making my blood boil. I was trying so damn hard to break out of an abuse nightmare, to act with calm and not react. I was trying so hard to show compassion and recieving none in return. No matter how hard I tried there was no keeping emotions seperate, and their lack of understanding was quickly bringing the nightmare back. They said to move on and started talking about something else, asking for something from me…………. If I could include a gif here it would be one of those stunned blinking faces. Disrespect atop rejection, might as well be back home with her.

I had contacted them to ask for their respect in my boundary and to let them know that I was hurt, and trying to do so without blame or accusation. I now had to get the fuck away from the person who had hurt me and was now twisting the knife. There was no way I could give them any more, not now. All they could see was their wants and needs and not how they were affecting me. That drive, whether malicous or unconscious, was seriously damaging me. Added to the ptsd they had triggered I was in no way capable of helping them. And so i said that I wasnt able to just move on and needed time to process, trying to ignore the grumpy response i put my phone down and burst into tears. In public, in front of everyone who may be looking. On the plus side, Id put myself into a safe space where I could be vulnerable without judgement, even from myself.

It took a long time for the nightmares to ease off, and the anxiety to calm enough that I wasnt a jibbering wreck or manically ranting at people. My stress levels were peaked again by dealing with US governmental nonsense, housing stuff and a continuing lack of psyciatric support, each one of those could be a blog on their own! Eventually I had enough distance to be able to think about the previous weekend and think about how I was going to approach the situation. To let them know what had happened, the ongoing effects of it and everything else that was going down. Due to the extremely sensitive nature of my situation and the deep history connected with my responses even just thinking about how to talk about it is hard. How does one have a conversation about an issue connected to and adjacent to historical abuse without going into details about the abuse and at the same time still getting things across and not going down that rabbit hole? Its fucking difficult, doubly so when already triggered and fighting off flashbacks and intrusive memories. But I was thinking about it, and I was working out how to keep myself safe while talking about it. When I started getting more messages, ones that wound me up, made me roll my eyes. I’m not going into full details but we ended up in a text base dispute including me still having to explain once again why I was upset in the first place. Back and forth again, winding me up again. Making me feel completely unheard, again. Its like a nightmare all of its own, my chest is hurting again, my head is swimming, I’m sweating and pacing around, my jaw clenched and I’m fairly sure I’m going to have an anurism or heart attack, if I havent had one already. Im manic again and feel like I’m genuinly going mad from the effort of making myself stay calm. I am trying to not go ballistic, I am trying to keep my abused child feelings seperate from my hurt adult feelings, although thats difficult when the reason for one is whats caused the other but I was still trying to be grown up and calm and level. That was why I needed the time to process, its not just about getting over the memories and repressing them back down, its not just about calming down and getting over myself. Its also about determining which feelings belong in which camp, and which ones cross over. That way I can figure out exactly what my needs are, and what my abused child needs are. There was so much going around my head, a lot of stuff to determine and identify.

The reconnected messages got increasingly more stressful for me, I was reading more rejections of my feelings and the original issue that had set everything off. I was unable to go into what had been happening to me for a week or reach out for comfort. And it was apparent that in that time they had not even considered what I had asked a week earlier, and that really hurt again. They pointed out that they have been so supportive and done loads for me, as though that automatically gives them a free pass to be nasty to me without comment or complaint. They acted as though me saying that they had done something bad was the worst thing I could ever do to them. They twisted my words and claimed I’d called them a piece of shit.  All this because they needed to offload about what I presume was their mother being nasty to them. It got offloaded onto me and they moved on, leaving me behind in a literal nightmare. Fighting off the psycological crap that she would throw at me every day. I had tried to look after myself and create a buffer between me and the potential for that being set off again. In doing so I had fallen into the recieving end of a whole load of hurt and anger that had nothing to do with me. Just like when I was a kid, and BOOM there I am, again. Eventually though I got a message that made me relax and feel seen and cared for and potentially understood. I could breathe again, I calmed down and could go back to thinking about things. I responded saying thank you, though I didnt go into how much it meant as that is a massive conversation. But I did say that I needed more time as my trust was damaged.  I really couldnt cope with any more until I had taken time to recouperate, then hopefully we could talk and I would be able to talk without getting taken by memories and freaking out. And I could rest and gather the spoons to have this conversation. They replied saying Ok they understood. Then immediately went on to say how they were hurting too… BOOM. It felt as though they had previously said what they felt they needed to in order to placate me but just could not resist making sure I understood that really this was all about them, their feelings and their needs……

Its all horrifically reminiscent of the daily emotional abuse I endured growing up. Snapping at me for daring to speak up. A lack of understanding or empathy, and much later apologies that come with conditions or statements about how hurt she was.

If they had just read my first message properly they would have seen me acknowledge right up front that I see them having a hard time and saying that I wanted to help but am unable to in this situation. There is no need to tell me they’re hurting because I can fucking see that from miles away. I have already offered compassion, but that is ignored and then more demanded. Again, not seeing Me in the equation offending me by rejecting my offered compasion only to demand compassion afterwards.

If they had just read and seen my message they would have seen that I have been in a regressive hell of childhood memories because of one thoughtless action.

I have not said anything before now because to do so runs the risk of them throwing more shit at me and Ive been terrified of that. And with just cause, when i first asked them to please not do a specific thing again it became something so much bigger and more horrible. It became about me not giving them what they wanted, it became about all the things they’ve done for me, it became about their hurt feelings. All because I asked them to not hurt me again. And hey presto, I am fucking back home again. With her it was always about her, her needs, her feelings above all else. I was denied and reduced to the level of a pathetic useless waste of space, always in the way, always “demanding” so much and never grateful for all the things she did for us. She was fucking crazy and lived in a twisted fantasy, she was very unwell and very angry, and she took it out on us constantly. The few times I did manage to speak up for myself I was met with fury, violence while I was still small enough, weird or random accusations. She would bitch about me to others in the family and get them to attack me but not talk to me directly. She’d throw her weight around for days glaring at me, not content to have others do her dirty work she had to be very explicit in Not talking to me in denying me the right to have me own feelings, denying me any kindness or comfort that she made a big show out of giving to the others. Not because she felt like comforting them but because she felt compelled to punish me. On the rare occasion it got to the point of us talking about some thing, she would cry and start talking about how much she was hurting, and I would apologise to her…..for something that she had done to me. If she ever managed to verbalise a hint of an apology it was always in the form of ” I’m sorry you feel that way” followed by “but….” and then some crap about how I had caused the situation, how I was responsible for her behaviour, how I had to suck it up and get over it because how dare I imply she was anything less than perfect. How dare I question her behaviour. How dare I have feelings and needs of my own. Once she realised she could no longer beat me without me hitting back she moved onto intensifying the emotional blackmail. Crocodile tears, transferring her rage and anger and pain onto me (and my siblings) manipulating me, making sure I understood without a doubt that she could and would destroy me if I ever exposed her true self. Making sure that everyone outside the home would have a very different idea of her. I still feel sick at the memories of people coming up to me to tell me how wonderful my mother was. Genuinely, she convinced nearly everyone around that she was one of the best mothers they’d ever met. So I couldnt even tell them the truth because they’d never believe me. And the ones that would believe me, I wouldnt tell the truth because I was terrified of what she’d do. I was stiffled. Repressed. Denied. Manipulated. Abused in every way. And I could never talk about it because she would do something horrid to me. The few times I spoke up the retribution was intense and massively out of proportion. Its taken me over 30 years of therapy and practice to get past that, though at times its harder than others, and if I’m in a vulnerable place then I’m primed for a volatile reaction, including ptsd flashbacks, intense fear and anxiety and a terror of retribution. Which has in this case led to me not blogging and therefore hampering my ability to process. Because I was terrified of what might happen, AM terrified of what might happen.

They, the message sender, have No Idea about any of this. Because they reacted badly to my original request. I’ve not been able to reach out to them and explain whats been happening to me, I’ve not felt safe to reach out at all. Because of the systematic abuse from some bitch they’ve never even met. I’ve not felt able to talk/blog openly about it because I’ve not felt safe doing so, because of the systematic abuse from some woman in my childhood. I’ve been scared to speak my mind, because of what she did to me. Because I am scared of what they will do now.

But to be true to who I want to be I must push through the fear. Principles are only that if you’re consistent, if I claim one thing but do another because Im scared then its not a principle. My examples growing up were bitter people who bitched behind others backs and were pleasant to their faces, because they were scared. And i hated it, I found it cowardly and seriously fucking irritating. It also led to a lot of inner turmoil as I never knew where I truly stood. I could extrapolate, and i got good at that, but it also gets skewed towards the paranoid. Because if you dont say how you feel nobody can ever know for sure. And if you never say how you feel because you’re scared, nobody can ever know, and that has the ability to eat away at your very core.

I have been in tears, hurt, angry and feeling unable to open up because they’re putting pressure on me to be nice to them. Completely unable to recognise that thats what I was doing in the first place. And every time they send a message its like being lashed from someone I care about and 30 years away. Every comment that rejected my feelings may aswell have been from my mother. Every time Ive expressed myself its been pushed aside as though I have no validity, just like when I was a child often being literally pushed away not just figuratively.

All these accusations and behaviours that theyre doing but can’t see, reflecting them off me and claiming me as the source. This has been my punishment for not just being a bitch in the first place and screaming at someone for hurting me because they were hurt. Thats what I get for being kind. That’s what i get for seeing someones pain snd trying to help them despite the pain it was causing me.

The person doing this is not the one I thought i knew. Was it me being blind? I know im not the only one to perceive them as different. Was it an act? Has it always been there but repressed until they reached some crisis point? Are they acting out the only thing they were taught growing up?

One of the worst things is they cant see what one small action has done to me. They can’t see what the following words did to me. They cant see how sick its all made me. And they cant comfort me or help with the pain. My fear and paranoia are climbing to near unbearable levels, much more and it’ll definitely require strong medication to avoid a trip to A&E. That level of paranoid anxiety is what happens when things are just not right, its often what used to alert me to a near mind breaking level of unwellness. I mean it still does, but now I recognise problems before they hit that point, doesnt make them easier to experience just less confusing. The last 10 or so days has sent me express to deep anxiety and fear. Im needing to ground or do body checks multiple times every day. My chest feels like its both being crushed & held flat with metal cage And as though half of my insides have been replaced with a rancid decaying solid lump, inflexible and very not squishy, steadfastly remaining in place no matter what I do. Taking up valuable lung and heart space. Im hyper aware of aches and pains, being made worse by actual illness, waves of nausea, inability to focus my eyes, cramps and eternally sore muscles that just wont relax. All the things that come from being long term stressed and hyper alert. Similar to how my body felt growing up, only worse because I dont have the resilience of a child’s body. But I do have the memories from that child and those memories are rampant. In my mind i am hiding under my bed, like when she would lose her shit and come looking for one of us. In my mind Ive been stuck under that bed for days, periodically slipping out to be an adult then hiding again. I know she can’t get me any more, i know that she stopped with the physical abuse as soon as I was able to fight back. Bullies dont like a level playing field. But the emotional abuse continued. And continues, for as long as I abuse myself or allow others to stamp all over my feelings. I have been scared to post this, because I am afraid of what they might do, and that is just so wrong in so many ways.

They may get angry at me for posting my thoughts before talking to them. Firstly there were plenty of chances to talk before, starting with my first message asking them to stop. Secondly, thats a classic way for people to moderate someone elses words before they go public, ensuring that to observers any potentially damaging comments arent heard thus protecting their reputation, and their feelings. Thirdly, I dont need permission. This is how I process things and I have been unable to process this stuff properly. Until now that last one would be championed, now I fear it will be villified. I could be wrong, Id love to be wrong, please prove me wrong.


I have put my name down for a therapeutic trial! Its an experimental treatment being simed towards Bipolars with high anxiety levels….sounds perfect. Assuming it works. But thats the point of the trial, to find out if its effective accross a broad spectrum. And its experimental science…. I am all about that shit!

Ive signed up to a bunch a research projects over the years. Mostly Tourette’s related as theres more research going on that I find out about. Its not like a flucamp type thing where masive drug companies are testing medication. Its generally students working on their thesis with a piss poor budget and a lot of enthusiasm. I get compensated my travel and sometimes a few bucks for my time though thats unusual. Though in my opinion they really should pay people for their time as these things often take hours. Its a good thing I am a science nerd.

Actually come to think of it, at least 2 papers should have been published by now….I should chase them for copies! Or at least the extracts in case I cant understand the writing.

With this new one, its a psych experiment rather than a TS one. So no brain nets and waveforms. Im still hoping to get onto something using fMRI! If accepted it would be a short course of actual (talking type) treatment that can be done alongside any existing treatment. With a few surveys along the way to monitor progress. Those three surveys would be compensated, nothing else would. I have put my name down and am booked in for the assessment, but I need to seriously figure out if I can do it. Ive told them I might pull out before it begins.

The thing is, theres always a thing, is that the assessment and, if put on the treatment group, all treatments, are a 120 mile round trip. Minimum 6 hours travel if traffic is good. No refunds for travel expenses. Its a journey I know well and used to make on a weekly basis, but generally not coming back the same day. And all my friends that lived up that way dont any more so it would be a massive weekly round trip at my financial, time and spoon expense. For 12 weeks. Its a lot. But you know, For Science!

Who? part 2. Help

I have decided to split the post to make it a bit more accessible! Part one is obviously the rant, me offloading some negativity and getting a few things off my chest. Here I hope to build a resourse to help others avoid the same experiences. Please share far and wide, please give feedback and if you have any suggestions of your own let me know. I would much rather pass on recommendations for things that come from personal experience. If you or someone you know would like to share something in private get in touch, though I aim to include a variety of support services, charites and information.

This is just the start, I’ll come back and update it bit by bit but I wanted to get it out there.

If you are in crisis or dealing with the effects of assault or abuse, please get support from your local trusted professional. The resourses here may not be able to deal with acute issues


Here are a few podcasts to get you going….

  • The Web of Queer ~ Its queerer on the inside!
  • TARBIS ~ Who watch, Time and Relative Blackness in Space. A podcast on the Black Girls Create network “A hub for Black Nerds and creators” which also hosts a Harry Potter podcast
  • Reality Bomb ~ Aforementioned podcast that “has charts to document the length of Capaldis hair”
  • Queer Archive ~ This is a newer queer, feminist Doctor Who focused podcast.


For reading recommendations this is where it gets tricky, being dyslexic my reading is somewhat limited, and what I have read I struggle to remember tiles and author names. So I’m going to be heavily reliant on you lot and your suggestions!

  • Uncanny Magazine ~ Will give a great selection of diverse and thought provoking                                              writing


Support agencies/Charities   ~ If you are in any danger or experiencing crisis then please contact your local hospital/doctor or the police  The information listed below in specific to the UK however do check their websites for details on other ways to contact them or possible links to external resourses. A lot of these tend to be London centric too, I hope to broaden that!

  • Samaritans ~ Call 116 123
  • The Listening Place ~ Call 02039067676
  •  Galop ~ LGBT+ Anti violence charity.  in London Call: 020 7704 2040      Nationwide: 0800 999 5428
  • Stonewall ~ “Acceptance without exception” Loads of ways to contact so best to go to the website and pick a suitable area.



I am going to keep updating this. Please do send recommendations! Thank you

Who? is this space for…?? Part 1

In the last couple of years I have been going to a handful of geeky conventions. Primarily focused on Doctor Who but also some others, one of which has since imploded upon itself, another is full of geeks and nerds but focused on polyamory (you’ll still see plenty of Dr Who paraphinalia there!) My experiences at these events have been very mixed, but good enough to keep me going back to most of them. But…. there’s enough examples of ‘badness’ experienced by myself and friends that I have been questioning why I keep giving these events my money and going back?! As I have had that rolling around my head others have spoken up about their experiences, their needs and wants. And those people standing up and speaking out have provided a foundation where I and others can truly feel like we are not alone or that we have to, on our own, fight off these power holding people who keep fucking up. These fucking up type people will always try to convince a victim, of for example homophobia, that they are the only one who was upset by X issues, that they’re the only one complaining about X issue, that they’re being unreasonable for even bringing up X in a non shining praisy way. Because they want to keep us silent, its bad for business after all. Even worse, its damaging for some of the incredibly fragile egos involved in running these events, broken little children I have personally encountered over the years.

There are of course many reasons for somebody not wanting to hear a complaint about X, Y or Z. It could seem to them that they’re being personally acused of having done X, it could be that they feel like its a slight on their ability to run an event, maybe they simply cant/wont believe that their friend / colleague / idol is capable of doing X, or possibly they themself are guilty of the same or similar behaviour and the complaint strikes a chord, setting them onto a defensive path. There are so many resons behind peoples reactions to others speaking up, from being personally triggered over past trauma to being the perpetrator of injustices or being so disconnnected from the situation that they cannot empathise in any way.

I have had friends experience rascist impositions that the offender denied being anything other than logistics, I have queer friends accused of sexually motivated assault because that was the only thing the accuser could think to fabricate. I and a lot of others have actually experienced sexual agression, assault or rape at these events and within their online groups, pages and forums. Plus constant micro and macro agressions around gender, sexuality, disability, race, culture, health, status and MANY other things. So much of this behaviour is normalised within society that to point it out, to raise concerns or grievances is retaliated with counter accusations of being over sensitive, having no sense of humour, of imagining things, being crazy (implying that any claims made are not ever going to be varifyable) or simply of lying. We are accused of rocking the boat and making a fuss over nothing, told that our words are hurting {the reputation/public image/employability of} those that we speak out about, and that that’s what is unfair. We are told that our words are unfairly damaging someone who is so well regarded in the commmunity, or that we have created a witch hunt against an innocent who’s just “…like that, you know. He does these things but its harmless, he doesn’t mean it…” Because the reputation of one person who is, lets face it, generally a white, cis male, usually hetrosexual with a good job and a lovely family blah blah blah. Anyway, their reputation is, we are told, far more valuable than our experience.

All this shit has been percolating for a while, making me increasingly mad at every example witnessed or experienced (or both) when the podcast Reality Bomb, hosted by Greame Burke and Joy Piedmont did a special on convention safety, which you can find here. Joy’s words rang so true to me and reignighted that spark of anger in myself at all the stuff that has happend in the few short years that I’ve been attending geekly/alternative conventions on the regular. Her call to action was something I could get behind and I found I (mostly) had the spoons for it, because it was ans is so important to me on a personal level, and important to me because I could and that would help those that cant. I had already been considering not exactly calling out conventions (though thats not been ruled out) but trying to open up some dialogue and making the runners and attendees aware of issues and situations that they may not even know are a thing.

Christine Chapman, again in the Reality Bomb episode, and the hosts asked that others, us the listeners, also reach out to conventions, check their websites for things like a harassment policy, to contact them (before if possible) to ask for the policy and to ask that if it isnt already, be made public in good time. That way, everyone in attendance is aware what behaviour will not be tolerated, that victims know that there is something in place to deal with incidents, that those who are experiencing some form of trouble at a convention can have the confidence to speak up without the fear that they will be disbelieved or bullied into silence.

It really is essential that these conventions, events that people are paying good money to attent, are safe and supportive environments. Its equally vital that conventions have a sturdy harassment policy and that the event coordinators, managers, volunteers etc are aware of the rules around harassment, what the procedures are, how to manage a situation and who best to contact to resolve or move onto the next stage. It is absolutly essential that attendees are fully aware that harassment will not be tolerated and that there will be consequenses, helping marginalised people feel supported and making perpetrators aware that they cannot carry on regardless. More so in the cases where people are aware but steadfastly stick to their own interpretations or beliefs around certain situations.

So this post is not entirely about harrassment safety at conventions, I’ll get to that later. I’m also including a variety of forms that safety can come in, things that come together to create Safe Spaces, things that include actual accessible spaces, Gender, Race, Sexuality & Cultural representation and INCLUSION. Having pre-existing methods for recieving feedback, information requests or complaints easily findable without having to physically chase down one specific person (something I had to do at two conventions this year). Including a fully diverse panel of people in the organisational process to try ensuring that the venue, panels. advertising, posters, layout, website and promotional imagery are going to be welcoming to all and hopefully not exclusionary because of some “little thing” that would never occur to someone who’s never had to think beyond themselves or their immediate social or familial group. And to those that try to be inclusive, but do so without actually consulting those that will be affected. I will undoubtedly have missed out a bunch of things on my own short list, and I welcome your own feedback on my ramblings, as I would like to start building cooperation and some way of sharing information hopefully making conventions (in particular in the UK) safer places for ALL.

Now I specifically mention the UK because that is where I live, there is the CSSN website and report cards featured in the aforementioned Reality Bomb episode and they focus on the USA. I have decided to create a second part to this blog as it was all getting very convoluted and mixed up. That will, I hope, become a resourse base seperating it from my ranting about personal experiences. Which will of course still be here available for all to read if they want, but it feels better, cleaner, to have the help bit in its own space. Plus this post has been really challenging for personal reasons, trying to figure out how to compile everything into one post was making it harder to complete. Also I hope that over time I will be able to work with others to add to their established hard work and maybe connect with a bunch of people to increase resourses worldwide. Hopefully.


Of the two Doctor Who events I attended recently neither was representative of MY culture, my day to day social circles, my lived experience. They paid little attention to disability, neuro diversity, or ANY diversity in fact. And zero attention to making queer, trans, people of colour feel welcome or seen.

One in particular was agressivly dismissive of all factors, acting much like an entitled brat who’d just been told its not nice to randomly hit another child who didnt want to hand over their own personal precious toy, and then throwing a hissy fit after being pulled up on their bad behaviour. Someone who never learned to deal with constructive criticism or honest feedback. And who has never taken responsibility for their bad behaviour, but very likely taken credit for the hard work of others many many times. As you can tell I am not impressed!

Neither of them had any interviewers or presenters who werent apparently cis men. And the vast majority of them were white (all but 1 between 2 cons from what I saw). One convention event promoted a group of comics who had just before gotten themselves into trouble with a sexist “joke” made at the expense of a Doctor Who actor. One event charged literally double the ticket price for a pass offering a list of priority and alleged special pass-holders-only assets, things that become extremely important when you are/attend with disabled, neuro divergent and spoonie people. That priority ticket was worthless as most of the things promised , the important things, were not provided or enforced. Upon making a complaint about such i was met with vitriol and distain, and later completely ignored. Returning to my initial statement about the Joy Piedmont piece, I followed their call to action and contacted both events prior to attending asking for their harassment policy as neither had anything online…

One event didnt respond. I was able to speak briefly with the organiser during the day and they agreed that they need to have one!  Then he told me to send them something that they could use… I was so flummoxed that I stumbled out a “okay yeah sure” reply. But OMG is it NOT okay.  I dont work for them, either paid or voluntary. Bouncing the responsibility of providing safe spaces onto victims, expecting others to provide free labour, not taking it seriously enough to do something about it. None of that is okay.

The other event responded really quickly, I thought Wow this is great we have potential here. I opened the email to see a single sentence asking me who I wanted to complain about. That was it, they were seemingly only concerned with their reputation and potential scandal prior to the event. My reply explaining that I had no problems to report, I simply wanted to read the policy, was ignored.

BOTH events have failed. Failed me personally, failed marginalised groups and failed Doctor Who fandom. The fanbase, like it or not, IS comprised of people of colour, queer people, non cis people, those with disabilities, long and short term health issues, massive variations in neuro processing, energy levels, crowd management techniques etc. And most of those people fall into 2,3,4 or more of those categories. So, if you want your convention to remain an old white cis boys and sypathisers club then dont advertise it. If you do advertise it, and you do want it to be successful then deal with the reality of the fan base / world at large and DONT BE A DICK!

Returning again to the two specific events I went to this year on consecutive weekends a couple of months back. Its taken me until now to complete this blog post, though I’ve been working on it since the second event ended. Its taken this long to recover spoons, to gather together both my thoughts and the tiny amount of links, and I am STILL dealing with one of these events which has been sucking up so much of my energy.
I’m fed up with the lack of diversity, the interviewers were ALL male, generally white, etc. And it’s not much different with guests, admittedly thats slightly more difficult when it comes to inviting stars from shows that feature primarily white actors, but thats the only area for moderate leaniency and even that is pushing it. There are soooooo many people that work on TV shows and related products, there is a massive diversity in fandoms (despite what a small group of people would like to think) There should be effort made to include a mixture of people to run panels, to interview or present. Personally, as a disabled queer, female appearing person who lives in a massively multicultural area it’s like going backwards into an era of patriarchal male dominated spaces that show just lip service to accessibility or diversity and it makes me VERY uncomfortable. Not to mention how much harder it can be to attend a convention when it’s not set up with disability in mind, or actively looking to support women, trans and non binary people and people of colour or….even answering questions in advance so that those with, for example, sensory processing issues can plan out their needs and prepare accordingly.
Now, at the first one I attended I got to see friends, at the second I got to meet an internet friend in the flesh AND met {REDACTED}. and {REDACTED}, got autographs, photos etc THAT WAS GREAT!
But, it was very much a white boys club still, heteronormative , cis and mildly homophobic and I did not like it. And that’s coming from my place of white privilege. My premium double price ticket was an absolute waste of money, I did not get the things I paid for. And I paid for them because I know my needs and limits when it comes to these things, and I know how much I apreaciate being able to look after my needs so that I can attend massive busy events like conventions. So its often worth paying more for access to a quiet space, to reduced queing times or guaranteed seating. Though to be absolutely blunt, nobody should be forced to pay more for basic rights to accessible events. This behaviour of charging for such things is exploitation and degradation of vulnerable, marginalised and disabled people, because these are the people that most need and can least afford the conventions much less any extras, like priority passes. My follow up on the lack of provision of paid-for perks was met with such vitriol and then totally ignored that my suspicion of those assumed prejudices have been confirmed. I was blamed for their lack of provision, accused of not having done something that 1) I did attempt to do & 2) I should never have needed to do. Every point was denied and shut down, there was ZERO desire to discuss what went wrong at their convention. And I didnt even touch on the greater issues with accessibility, diversity and safety etc!! I’m not currently naming them as I am still in the process of trying to get them to listen and refund the portion of money I paid for provisions not supplied. And I recently got some advice on the matter and discovered that they’re in breach of MANY laws before even getting to my own personal issues…..YIKES.
As much as I love the good bits of these conventions, it’s going to take something big to get me to hand over my money for any more of these events until they start making improvements and show they’re at least trying to be more inclusive. It’s really not that difficult!
…in comparison, a week or two after the conventions I went to a punk festival. A culture that from the outside is perceived as narrow minded, violent and racist. Whereas the geek community, and specifically in this case the Dr Who fandom, likes to promote itself as inclusive, diverse and welcoming to all. But in actuality it was totally the other way around. Punk has always been inclusive, yes it has its problems and some nasty associations with some loud minority groups within. But it started out and has returned to being deliberately more inclusive, and open to suggestion. There are active efforts to be better and do better. In opposition the Doctor Who fandom likes to think of itself as open, inclusive and welcoming but when I think about it I just want to cry. I personally have experienced a lot of bullshit and abuse, and I’m one of the lucky ones thats not really had it too bad by comparison. That breaks my heart. It makes me ashamed of one of my favourite things and it makes me so fucking angry.
I went to that punk event on my own (like I do a lot of things unless I’m able to get a carer/PA ticket) and felt entirely comfortable the whole time, aside from the stairs and lack of seating…! True the balance of white faces to poc was still highly scewed to the former. But…. I literally saw more black people (all women too) in one band than I did over two whole Who conventions, and that’s not including any other specific poc and especially woc. If I, a privileged white person feels uncomfortable at these geeky events it’s no surprise that people of colour don’t want to attend and thats a fucking disgrace.
Add on to that all the bullshit around discrimination against gender, sexuality, disability and all the things I’ve been talking about above and its genuinely shocking that anyone who is not already ‘in the club’ ever returns to this events. I understand why, its the same reasons I kept going back, and why I insist on going to things, I refuse to back down. But to pay for the priviledge of being treated so badly….. go fuck yourself.
I must end here as it gives me some very hard feelings to process including a lot of sadness.
In part 2 I plan to begin a list of resourses for both support in the event of an issue but also of super awesome other points of view that I admire and respect. I would very much appreciate your feedback and recommendations too, as when it comes to things like say theraputic services, personal experience speaks volumes about the actual efficacy of these places.
If you would like to share your experiences of conventions please leave a comment, or go to the CSSN and contribute to their reports where applicable. I plan to share podcasts, blogs, writers and more as well as some more delicate things like charities that deal with sexual violence. I would particularly like recommendations for UK based support networks for POC and WOC whether queer, geeky, creative, anti violence and anything else you can think of. And if you’re an event organiser please get in touch with your policies and what you think you’re doing right to support all of fandom and create safe accessible spaces.


Managed to get an almighty 5hrs of sleep. For once I dont feel physically like Ive been hit by a truck, just a kid on a scooter, though I do have a migraine despite the beta blockers. I haven’t escaped entirely, I do remember having my typical trauma dreams and I am weighed down by a soul crushing overload.

Itll be a minor miracle if I make it out of the house today. Not impossible. But its going to be really hard work, and thats with my bag packed and ready. I just want to pull the covers over my head and cry.

Waking up has always been one of the worst things.